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Welcome to the Northwestern University Chemical Process Design Open Textbook.
This electronic textbook is a student-contributed open-source text covering the materials used in our chemical engineering capstone design courses at Northwestern.

If you have any comments or suggestions on this open textbook, please contact Professor Fengqi You.

Northwestern University Chemical Process Design Open Text Book

Chemical Process Design Theory and Method

Design Basis

  1. Define product and feed
  2. Preliminary market analysis and plant capacity
  3. Site condition and design
  4. Block flow diagram

Process Flowsheet

  1. Process alternatives and flowsheeting
  2. Reactors
  3. Separation processes
  4. Process hydraulics
  5. Heat transfer equipment: Heat exchangers, boilers, condensers, heaters and coolers
  6. Utility systems
  7. Pressure vessels

Process Economics

  1. Estimation of capital
  2. Estimation of production cost and revenue
  3. Engineering economic analysis
  4. Sensitivity analysis and design optimization

Other Process Design Considerations

  1. Process safety
  2. Process hazards
  3. Environmental concerns
  4. Controls and P&ID

Chemical Process Design Projects


Glycerol to propylene glycol

Succinic acid to 1,4-butanediol

Hydrogen Student Design Contest

